K-Safety & Smart City Expo in INDIA
Smart City Expo in India 2024

The total size of the Modi government’s long-cherished project, Smart City Mission, is USD 22 billion, with 7,978 projects selected for 100 cities. As of July 2023, 5,909 projects (approximately 74%) were completed. India’s Smart City Mission encompasses both regional infrastructure development strategies, including urban improvement (reconstruction), urban regeneration (renewal), and urban expansion (green area development), and pan-urban development strategies that apply smart solutions to the entire city. As of 2023, the Indian government has allocated $33 billion in budget to the Ministry of Road, Transport and Highways, showing keen interest.

K-Safety & Smart City Expo in India is a business venue where local government officials, smart city business officials, and industry stakeholders in the Southwest Asian market gather together to support the spread of know-how in the domestic smart city industry and the development of export markets to India.

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Smart City Construction, Infrastructure


Smart Energy & Environment


Smart economy


Smart transportation


Smart Life & Healthcare


Smart government

K-Safety & Smart City Expo In INDIA
Smart City

Today, India’s safety and security market is estimated to be $12.1 billion, and the fire-related market is growing at an average annual rate of 5.8%. India enacted the Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions Act 2020 in 2020, and awareness of the importance and necessity of safety is spreading through various social campaigns.