Korea’s Environmental Technology Exports ‘Clean India’

India, which has 18% of the population, but only 8% of the population receives water through sufficient water resources and treatment facilities, with 3,159 garbage mountains piled up with living and industrial waste, 800 million tons, and air pollution levels exceeding the World Health Organization (WHO) safety limit of 55㎍/㎥. As such, the Indian government is continuously promoting environmental improvement projects to create a clean India through the ‘Clean India’ campaign, which has been implemented since 2014. As a result, we will hold a specialized exhibition in India to promote Korea’s excellent environmental technology exports and develop new markets for the environmental industry.

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개인정보 수집 및 이용에 대한 동의

본인은 위 내용을 확인하였으며, 위와 같이 개인정보를 수집 및 이용하는 것에 동의합니다.

Water resources

Water/waste water treatment, water purification, livestock wastewater treatment, river purification, microbial growth, drinking water, water quality improvement, pumps, velvets, design construction, water resource conversion, etc



Industrial waste disposal, household waste disposal, waste gas, conical water, reuse system, recycling system, waste related equipment, waste resource circulation, etc



Fine dust reduction, industrial hazardous gas treatment, smoke desulfurization, denitrification treatment, TMS, atmospheric equipment and design, air purification system, indoor air quality improvement home appliances, filters, etc


Renewable energy and power infrastructure

Solar (heat), wind (sea/ground), geothermal, marine power, gasification/bio, energy storage, transmission and distribution network infrastructure, etc



Hydrogen production – water electrolysis, carbon capture
Hydrogen storage/transport – hydrogen filling stations, hydrogen tanks, liquefied/gas, pipelines, transportation (sea, land transport), safety, etc
Hydrogen utilization – related businesses such as mobility, fuel cells, services, steel, chemicals, etc

India’s large-scale environmental improvement campaign of KRW 22 trillion, implemented in 2020, ‘Clean India 2.0’

The Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM, Clean India), implemented in October 2014, is one of the representative policies of the Indian government to improve the level and environment of people’s awareness for 4,043 cities in the metropolitan and provincial areas.

Clean India 2.0 (Phase 2) has a total budget of 1.408.81 trillion rupees (W22 trillion) by 2024/25, and aims to maintain toilets installed through the existing first phase ODF project, improve public awareness, and expand the scope of management from existing solid waste management to plastic and bio-waste (such as animal waste), heavy water, and air pollution.

* Source: KOTRA Overseas Market News ‘India’s large-scale environmental improvement campaign ‘Clean India 2.0’
The possibility of Korean companies entering the Indian market

Through this, Korean companies are expected to have opportunities to advance and cooperate in business, focusing on technologies and products related to waste treatment and recycling, and technologies and products related to plastic waste collection, sorting and processing, and heavy water recycling, small wastewater/sluge treatment and recycling facilities are expected to be the main areas.

The KOREA ENVIRO-TECH EXPO, held in line with this trend, is a specialized exhibition to help excellent K-environmental industries enter India and preoccupy the market.